Hot Dogs

Processed meats like hot dogs contain high levels of sodium and fat, which aren't great at any age. However, hot dogs have also been liked to higher risks of stomach cancer, diabetes, and heart disease--three conditions that already disproportionately affect people over 40.
Keeping away from hot dogs maybe easier for you if you try to imagine what actually goes into them...
Sugar-Free Candy

If you're trying to be healthy, sugar-free candy sounds like a safe way to satisfy your sweet tooth, right? Unfortunately, you may want to think again. To compensate for the lack of sugar in sugar-free products, manufacturers often include extra fat to make them tastier. Additionally, artificial sweeteners can cause digestion problems in some people.
Does anyone like sugar-free candy anyway? You'd be better off sticking with the real stuff in moderation anyway.
Fried Chicken
Canned Soup

High-sugar sweets like cookies spell bad news for healthy, wrinkle-free skin. The sugar found in them can lead to a process called glycation, which increases the rate at which our skin ages.
No one should be surprised this was coming. If it tastes good, it's probably bad for you. But for good reason, you should cut back on these sweet treats.
Gluten-Free Bread

For those with a gluten allergy, avoiding it may be a necessity. But if you can stomach traditional bread, it's a better choice than gluten-free varieties. The fiber found in regular bread helps promote digestive and colon health--two things that become increasingly important as we age.
Some of the items on this list probably have some people groaning, but we doubt anybody is upset that they shouldn't be eating gluten-free alternatives.
Coffee Ice Cream

It might be a tasty after-dinner snack, but the caffeine found in coffee ice cream can actually disrupt your sleep schedule. As we age, falling and staying asleep becomes naturally more difficult, so we definitely don't need any extra help from unnecessary caffeine.
There are plenty of other ice cream flavors to satisfy your sweet tooth. Sorry coffee can't be one of them, unless you want to have a bowl for breakfast.
Sports Drinks

For high-performance athletes, sports drinks are a necessity to keep them hydrated and keep their electrolytes in balance. For the rest of us, they're mostly a source of empty calories from sugar. And since excess sugar can speed up the signs of aging, it's best to avoid it when possible.
If you are staying more than averagely active, sports drinks can still be good for your lifestyle. As for the rest of us, we may as well be drinking sugar water.

In some ways, margarine is healthier than butter, but it's also a source of hydrogenated oil and trans fat--two things that increase your risk for high cholesterol and other heart problems. Since these issues crop up more frequently as we age, it's a safer bet to avoid margarine.
If it looks like butter and tastes as good as butter, you shouldn't be surprised that it was have the same detrimental effects as well.
Hot Sauce

For some, spicy foods add a fun, culinary kick, but after 40, spicy things like hot sauce can create problems. In addition to high levels of sodium, hot sauce may also exacerbate hot flashes caused by menopause.
Don't let the spokeswoman for Frank's Red Hot fool you; if she really puts it on everything, she probably has more heart problems than she lets on.
Almond Milk
Iced Coffee
Powdered Peanut Butter

Powdered peanut butter might sound like a healthy swap--you're getting rid of a lot of oil, after all. But peanut butter is a food that contains saturated or "healthy" fat, and when you don't get enough of it, your skin health can suffer.
Here's another case where sticking to the real thing in moderation will pay off more for you in the longrun, and probably taste better too.
Egg Whites
Cottage Cheese
White Bread

Bacon is full of delicious flavor...and saturated fat. This "bad" fat can lead to inflammation in the body, which runs the risk of causing arthritis flare-ups among other problems.
All the things that make bacon delicious: the saltiness, the meaty flavor, the greasy goodness, are all, sorry to say, hard on your body.
Excessive Alcohol

A drink here and there is perfectly fine, but drinking alcohol regularly can lead to a number of issues. In addition to liver problems, excessive intake can promote osteoporosis and signs of aging on the skin.
All parts of your body with thank you when you stop drinking literal poison. If only that poison didn't feel so good...
Diet Soda
Veggie Burgers
Buttery Popcorn
Beef Jerky
Protein Bars
Soy Sauce
Frozen Pizza
Coffee Creamer
Deli Meat
American Cheese
Breakfast Pastries
White Chocolate
Ribeye Steak
Low-Fat Milk