Jumping Jacks

A great way to start of any workout is by warming up your muscles. Jumping jacks are a great, no equipment way to get your whole body warmed up. Start by Standing with your arms down at your sides. While jumping, bring your arms up into a “Y” position and simultaneously jump your feed out past shoulder width. Return to the starting position and repeat 12 times at a brisk pace.
Bodyweight Squats
Incline Pushups

This is a great variation of the traditional push-up. This exercise will work both your arms and your chest muscles. You can use a chair, your sofa, or stairs to create an incline. While in a downward-facing position, place both hands on the sofa, with your legs extended out behind you. Keep your entire body straight as you lower your chest toward your hands. Press into your hands as you lift your entire body back away from the sofa, then repeat.
Dumbbell Row
Bench Dip

All you need for this exercise is a stable piece of furniture. A chair or sofa is ideal. With your back to the chair, and your legs extended out in front of you, place both palms on the seat of the chair. Slowly lower your backside toward the ground, then press through your palms until your backside lifts back up to chair height. Repeat.
Hip Raise

Here is another easy bodyweight exercise that engages your glutes. Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet firmly planted on the floor. Pressing through the soles of your feet, lift your body off the ground until your knees are at a 45-degree angle. Lower yourself back to the floor, then repeat.

The plank is a great exercise to engage your core muscles and improve stability. Lie facedown on the floor with your upper body supported by your forearms. With your toes planted on the floor, lift your body off the ground keeping legs and back straight. Hold this position for as long as you can, then lower back to the ground. Repeat.
Side Plank

No exercise is complete without a good workout of your core muscles. Start by lying on on your side on the ground. Prop yourself up on one elbow. Make sure one leg is stacked right on top of the other. While engaging your core muscles, lift your body off the ground until your entire body makes a straight line. You’ll be supporting this position with your elbow and the bottom foot. Lower back to the floor, then repeat.
Kettle Bell Swing

Once again, you don’t have to own a kettlebell to do this exercise. A great alternative is a gallon jug of milk...just make sure that lid is on tight! Start with you feet shoulder width apart. Hold the kettlebell in both hands and and hinge slightly forward at the waist while simultaneously swinging the kettlebell down between your legs, then swing it back up until your arms are straight out in front of you. On the downward swing, make sure you keep your knees loose and slightly bent, then straighten your legs and upper body on the upward swing.

Get that adrenaline revving again with this final exercise. Start in a plank position with your arms fully extended, and your hands positioned under your shoulders. With your hands firmly planted on the floor, jump your feet up into a squatting position. Your feet should now be on either side of your hands. Jump back into the plank position, then repeat.

It's no secret that burpees are challenging, but they're a great way to really get your heart rate revving. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over, and place your hands on the floor and jump your feet back until you are face down on the floor, then push up into the plank position. Next, jump your feet up to under your hips and leap up straight into the air with your hands over your head. After some practice, this should all be done in one fluid sequence...then, repeat!
Walking Lunge

This is a great lower body workout that will get your heart rate up. You can do this exercise with just your bodyweight, or you can add dumbbells for a little extra challenge. Start in the standing position with hands at your sides. Step forward with one leg and bring your back knee down to the floor, return to standing and repeat with the opposite leg. You should be slowly moving forward with each lunge.
Calf Raise
Single Leg Bridge

The inchworm is a great way to work your entire body. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the waist and place your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Slowly walk your hands forward until you are in the plank position, then walk them back to your feet and stand. Repeat.
Wall Sit

This exercise doesn't involve many movements, but your legs are really going to feel it! Start by standing with your back against a wall, and your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a sitting position as if you are in an invisible chair. Hold this position as long as you can while contracting your core muscles. Repeat.
Single Leg Deadlift

This exercise works your glutes. It can be done with or without an added weight. Start by standing on one leg with the other out behind you. Bend forward at the waist while kicking the legs straight out behind. If you are using a dumbbell, hold that weight in the hand that matches the leg that is firmly planted on the floor. as you bend forward, lower that weight to the floor. Return to the starting position.

This is an exercise that can be done just about anywhere that you have a stable object to step up on. You can use a park bench, stairs, etc. Start by standing in front of your chosen park bench (or stairs) and with one leg, step up onto the seat of the bench. Pull your body weight upwards and raise the opposite knee toward your chest. Lower the raised leg back to the ground, then repeat with the opposite leg.

This classic ab exercise is a tried-and-true way to build a great core. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, and raise your shoulder blades slightly off the floor until you feel the contraction of your ab muscles. Hold briefly, then return to the floor. Repeat.
Bicycle Crunches

Here is a great addition to your ab routine. Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head. Bring both knees toward your chest, and lift your upper body slightly off the ground. Straighten one leg as you turn your upper body in the opposite direction with your elbow moving toward the opposite knee (the one that remained bent). Return to the starting position, and repeat with the opposite leg.
Marching Glute Bridge
Mountain Climbers
Skater Hops

In this exercise, you are going to pretend like you're a speed skater. Leaning slightly forward, start with your left knee bent, and your right foot off the floor. Jump quickly to the right and land on your right foot, then keep your left slightly off the floor. Jump back to your left and land on your left foot, keeping your right slightly off the floor. Alternate this movement and smoothly and quickly as possible.
Standing Oblique Crunches

Most core exercises focus on the abs, but this one focuses on the obliques. This can be done without weight, but for more resistance add a kettlebell or full gallon jug of milk! Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold your kettlebell in one hand. Bend slowly toward the side holding the kettlebell. Be sure to keep your back straight. You should be bending to the side, not forward. Repeat this movement, alternating sides.
Close Pushups

This is a variation of the classic pushup, except that this time you'll be working your triceps. Get in the standard pushup position (either on your toes or on your knees), but place your hands close together on the floor. You want your hands to be almost touching. Lower your body to the floor, then pushing through your palms, return to the starting position. Repeat.