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10 Best Foods for Your Liver



Coffee helps to lower abnormal liver enzymes. A study found that the more coffee consumed, the lower your chance of developing liver disease if you don’t have it yet. When your body digests coffee it produces a chemical that slows the growth of scar tissue; therefore, two to three cups of coffee per day helps to slow fibrosis, cirrhosis, and NASH.

Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

These are loaded with antioxidants that help get rid of free radicals that damage liver cells. They are also packed with fiber and other things that the liver needs. Leafy greens also contain a chemical that can help reduce the buildup of fat in the liver. The foods with the highest concentration of the chemical inorganic nitrate include spinach, celery, and lettuce.



Tofu helps to reduce fat buildup and is also low in fat and high in protein, which helps build new cells and aids in tissue repair and functioning immune system. Tofu is also a great food to add to this diet because it helps to lower cholesterol, which can help prevent fatty liver disease. It's also a natural antioxidant, which neutralizes harmful free radicals and helps the liver speed up metabolism.

Oily Fish

Oily Fish

Fish—such as salmon—can help reduce inflammation and fat buildup in the liver. It is also a great alternative to red meats, which can have high amounts of fat. These types of fish are also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can assist in reducing blood lipids when eaten at least twice per week.

Oatmeal and Other Grains

Oatmeal and Other Grains

There are several reasons to incorporate grains into your daily diet. Not the least of which is that oats help to lower blood cholesterol, blood sugar, boosts the immune system, and can help with weight loss. Those who consume a few servings of oats every day have significantly less weight gain. Not only is oatmeal an easy way to introduce fiber into the daily diet, the fiber is thought to fight against inflammation in the liver.



All tree nuts are a good addition to any diet since they are all highly nutritious. They are a great source of protein, are high in antioxidants, and full of healthy unsaturated fats which all aid in liver health. Walnuts, however, contain the amino acid arginine and omega-3 fatty acids which both aid in detoxification of the liver.



Avocados really are the super food, recommended in so many diets for various health conditions. They are high in healthy fats and chemicals that can help slow down liver damage. Avocados can also help lower blood cholesterol which in turn aids the liver. They also contain fiber which helps weight control, they assist in detoxification of the liver, and battle inflammation. Last but definitely not least, they also produce an antioxidant that helps filter the harmful substances and protects liver cells from further damage.



Garlic contains a mineral that helps to stimulate the liver and detoxify it by activating liver enzymes that can help the body flush out toxins. Garlic also contains amino acids that are important for relaxing blood vessels and increasing the work of antioxidants. As if that wasn’t enough of a reason to incorporate more garlic into your diet, garlic also keeps toxic substances filtered by the liver from reaching other organs, lowers cholesterol, protects the liver from waste and infection, and reduces body weight and fat content which contributes to NAFLD.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is considered a super food as well because of all of its many health benefits. One study found that ingesting one tablespoon of olive oil per day improved liver enzyme and fat levels. The participants also had less fat accumulation, better blood flow in the liver, and had improved insulin sensitivity and improved blood levels of liver enzymes. Olive oil has also been proven to sooth inflammation of the liver.

Green Tea

Green Tea

There are several studies on the use of green tea as a supplement for liver diseases. Some studies show that tea is better than other extracts since some extracts can damage the liver instead of helping it. Another study showed that participants who drank green tea every day for 12 weeks had improved liver enzyme levels, reduced oxidative stress, and less fat deposits in the liver. However, there are also studies that link green tea with liver damage instead of health, so always exercise caution and speak to your doctor before using any supplements with liver disease.