Does Extreme Morning Sickness Mean You're Having Twins?

Unfortunately, there is no link between morning sickness or it’s severity to the number of babies you may or may not be carrying. While morning sickness is a major indicator of pregnancy (and about 75% of women experience it to some degree), more morning sickness does not necessarily mean twins. Some experts suggest the presence of morning sickness can be indicative of a healthy level of hormones and a baby (or two or three) that is (are) developing well. On the other hand, the other 25% of women that don’t experience morning sickness still have happy, healthy babies, too, so it’s difficult to tell much of anything based on your morning runs to the bathroom. 

Some women, however, suggest they feel “more” pregnant, or that the fatigue is much greater in early pregnancy. Unfortunately, there’s no real way to know exactly how many babies you are having until you get that first ultrasound. Pregnancy is different for every woman, and some women experience each individual pregnancy differently. Just because you didn’t have morning sickness during your first pregnancy, doesn’t mean that having it during your second means you should expect twins. 

Last Updated: September 05, 2017