Pregnancy Planning Tools

The pregnancy experience is one of the most overwhelming, time consuming, and exciting you’ll ever go through. Fatigue and pregnancy brain won’t make things any easier! There are dozens of tools available for soon-to-be moms, whether it is your first time or you are familiar with the billion new needs that are going to arise. Here’s a look at some of the most helpful tools for pregnant women. 

Trimester Checklist

The closer you get to labor, the busier you’ll find your schedule. A checklist or calendar for each trimester is a tremendous help. Some websites offer email blasts, but you can also make your own. Include milestones you can expect to hit, things you need to get done (like painting the nursery, buying a crib, or washing all the tiny onesies you’ve picked out). As well as when you have doctor visits scheduled (the closer it is to time, the more visits you’ll have), and when to pack your bag for the hospital. 

Baby Countdown

It can be fun to cross of the days while you watch your belly get bigger! Sign up for an email program or make yourself a calendar. Email programs often include a weekly update on how big Baby is.  Some have other hints and pregnancy tips.

Maternity Leave Prep

By the third trimester (babies do have a tendency to show up early!) it’s a good idea to have anything your temp is going to need prepared. This might include a list of daily duties and long term goals that will need to be completed during that time period. It could even include just a few helpful hints (like how to work the coffee maker). 

Birthing Plan

Having a baby is confusing and messy and exhausting, and you will not be up for making decisions. That’s where a birthing plan comes in. Know what you want and how you want to do it. Before you get to the hospital. 

Bring it to one of your doctor appointments beforehand. Discuss it with your obstetrician to ensure you covered all the details. A birthing plan also gives you time to think about the little things. Do you want music playing? Who will be in the room? (Who isn’t allowed in the room?) Do you want an epidural?

Hospital Checklist

Don’t wait for your water to break before you pack your bags for the hospital. That will only leave you feeling even more stressed on what will be the best day of your life. A checklist for what other moms have found helpful is great to get your suitcase ready. 

Have your bag packed by the beginning of your third trimester. Additionally,  make yourself a personal checklist of anything that might not live in your suitcase for three months (like a cell phone charger). You can also include things like who is going to water the plants or keep older siblings while you’re in the hospital. 

Phone Tree 

The moment you meet your son or daughter is not going to be the moment you want to spend making calls and texts of a safe and happy arrival. Nor will you have the energy. Have your partner or other support make a plan of communication. For example, who ever is in the delivery room with you will let the baby’s grandmothers know. They in turn will contact someone else, and so on and so forth. Leaving you free to count your baby’s fingers and toes. 

Last Updated: June 07, 2017