Investing in a Pregnancy Pillow

When you’re pregnant the thing you want most becomes the best at eluding you: sleep. During your pregnancy it’s best for your baby and body if you sleep on your side, particularly your left side. Pregnancy pillows are a great option to help you sleep better. If you aren’t a side sleeper or already tend to have trouble sleeping, it’s going to be well worth it to go ahead and invest even before the second trimester. 

Total Body Pregnancy Pillows

Pregnancy pillows run about $80, but they can make a big difference. Offered in a variety of styles, they are a large, firm pillow that wraps around your entire body, leaving you comfortably cozy in the middle. Most are shaped like a “C”, “U”, or “O” and flexible so you can curve and twist to finally find the position. Leachcos products, particularly the C-shaped snoogle total body pillow, get great ratings. The most important thing is to find one that is comfortable for you, not for a stranger writing reviews, so don’t be afraid to test out a few. 

Full Length Pregnancy Pillow

These pregnancy pillows are very similar to the total body pillows, except they go from head to toe instead of toe to head to toe. At about $50, they are a little more affordable than the total body pillows, but still give you more support than smaller pregnancy pillows (they also tend to fit into the bed more easily). They are a little longer than standard body pillows, working as your standard sleeping pillow as well as extra support for the rest of your body. 

Pregnancy Wedges

If the thought of being surrounded in stuffing doesn’t appeal to you, a pregnancy wedge may be more appropriate. Rather than taking up half the bed, they are roughly the size of a normal pillow, just a little firmer and a little more personalized for the pregnant body. You can stick it under your normal pillow to elevate your head, slide it up to your back to relieve pressure, or snug it under your abdomen to relieve the sensation that you’re being pulled over.

It’s perfect for women who prefer to get close to their partner in their sleep, or for couples who have a bed with no room left over. One of the biggest variances from brand to brand is just how much wedge you’re getting, or how much of a slope. Pregnancy wedges are around $20 (although upgraded ones are on the market for a higher price). 

Body Pillows

If you aren’t worried about style, you’re short on cash, and you just need a little extra support, try a body pillow. You can generally find one for less than $15. They tend to be about 5 feet long, so it is essentially like having two or three really fluffy pillows attached to each other. For most people, they aren’t quite long enough to rest your head on and support your body, so you’ll probably need a regular pillow, too. Still, with the right pillow, you can tuck it between your legs and get the extra support your baby belly needs. 

Last Updated: March 30, 2017