Mom and Baby Activities
New mothers who decide to stay home with their babies can face several issues, for being home all day long with a little baby who needs constant care can be overwhelming for some. It is important that you, as a new stay-at-home mom, find activities to do for yourself and with your baby that will keep the time flowing in your day. This does not mean there are hours of boredom to fill, not in the least. What it does mean is that there is so much more to staying home with baby than caring for the moment-to-moment needs.
Smile And Talk To Your Baby
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is surprising how many mothers focus on the diaper changing or feeding task at hand and forget to engage the baby simply by smiling and talking. Loving interaction is critically important for a baby to grow and learn. Even a newborn will quickly learn to respond to mom's voice and loving touch. A smile in return will be your reward sooner than you think. Smiling and talking to your baby makes caring for the baby fun and interactive as opposed to just a chore. Not to mention it builds love and trust and helps the baby's brain grow.
Sing And Play Games With Your Baby
Again, it may come naturally to some mothers to sing and play games with even the very youngest baby, but for others it does not. While changing the many of diapers, sing a song and bicycle little legs gently or clap little hands together. While feeding the ten thousandth bottle, sing a song and rub little bodies gently. All of this interaction and touch helps you bond with baby and brings about warm feelings for both mom and baby.
Get Fresh Air Everyday
A baby is never too young to get outside in the fresh air for a stroller ride or snuggly-packed walk with mom. If the baby is dressed according to the weather, barring any extremes that any person of any age should avoid, getting out for some fresh air everyday is a good thing. Taking baby to the mall or out to lunch with friends is fun for both of you. When the weather is nice, take walks that will energize you and give baby new experiences as well. Even just sitting out on the porch is a good way to get some fresh air and fill time in the day. Play patty cake, tickle games, sing songs, blow bubbles for baby to watch, the list goes on. Again, babies are never too young for interaction and experiences; they just might not pay attention for very long at first.
Activities Just For Mom
While interacting with your baby is very important, it is also important that you find activities that make mom happy as well. These activities can be as simple as a cup of tea and a crossword puzzle while baby naps or plays close by. A phone call or online chat with a friend is also a good way to fill your need for adult conversation throughout the day. If you have hobbies such as sewing or reading, be sure to find time for those from time to time, maybe not every day but at some point. It is also a good idea for mom to get some time to take a walk, a trip to the store or even a night out with friends without baby now and again for a relaxing break.
While it is important to nurture and interact with the baby, it is also important to rest and rejuvenate for mom. Every day moms should be sure to take even just a few minutes to relax a moment, watch a television show, read a book, whatever it is that brings you a few minutes of peace. Happy moms equal happy babies.