6-9 Month Milestones

Your Baby's Development at 6-9 Months

Babies develop at their own pace but there are general guidelines when most babies attempt certain tasks or develop enough to exhibit social behaviors. We will discuss the social interaction, verbal abilities, coordination, mobility, sleep habits, and object view.

Separation Anxiety and Connecting with People

Younger babies seem not to mind so much if Mom steps out while the baby has a sitter but during this period the baby start to feel anxiety when they are left by a parent or someone else they are close to. The similar problem of stranger anxiety (separation anxiety) may begin as a baby starts to know when someone is unfamiliar.

For people they know well they may begin to touch their faces, pull their hair or look at their faces intently. Babies at this stage will often smile or wave directly at someone, even at their own images in the mirror. They do begin to want social interaction and like simple games such as peeks-a-boo and pat-a-cake.

Starting to Talk

A baby will start to make speak gibberish and may string sounds together that sound like one or two syllable words according to Wonder Time Child Development. He may also laugh more or be very loud when trying to get someone's attention. One of the exciting milestones during this age range is that you may even hear them say their first words such as Mommy or Daddy but they won't yet understand its meaning.

Holding Objects and Using Hands

A baby will begin to have enough eye-hand coordination to hold something between his fingers. So he will naturally want to hold finger foods and may want to begin to feed himself by 8 or 9 months of age. The same age baby may begin to clap their hands, wave or try to hold a handle on a cup.

Sitting and Crawling

Many 6-month-olds sit up but are wobbly. By the 9th month they can are stable enough to reach for something or turning upper body around to the side while sitting, says Guide to Effective Parenting. Babies may begin to test out crawling or scooting as early around 7 months. By 9 months many are crawling quickly and may be pulling themselves up to walk around while holding on to an object like a low piece of furniture.

Naps and Sleeping All Night

Babies at 6 months still sleep around 12 hours per day. A morning nap and an afternoon nap along with their night time sleep is usually sufficient. According to Baby Center, between 6 and 9 months is the typical age to begin night weaning. Babies may wake up in the night but they are not necessarily hungry. If they learn to put themselves back to sleep then they may sleep 9 hours straight without disturbing the parents.

Sense of Objects Out of View

Before 6 months infants only think about an object that is in sight. During the ages of 6 to 9 months they may begin to look for objects they can't see or go to find objects that they see you hide.

Last Updated: March 29, 2016