What to Do if Bed Bugs Bite You

Bed bugs usually go unnoticed until it's too late; victims eventually notices red marks along their skin once they begin to itch or become red.

Before attempting to treat bed bug bites, ensure that they are actually bites from mites in your bed. Bed bugs tend to bite in particular patterns. Some bites might be isolated, while others might be in groups, or in lines. Additionally, if you notice that you experience excessive itching during the night or wake up with new marks, you are likely dealing with bed bugs. These are multiple ways in which you can treat bed bug bites.

Creams, Lotions, and Gels

Some of the most common methods that people use to treat bed bug bites are over-the-counter creams, lotions, and gels. Bed bug bites can be treated with steroidal over-the-counter cream with anti-itch ingredients. Make sure that this cream has hydrocortisone or cortisone in it before purchasing. As the skin heals from the bites, it's a good idea to also make use of calamine lotion to dry out the bite and provide protection.

Oral Medications

Over-the-counter oral medications are also great treatment options. A great maintenance medication for recovering from the bites is antihistamine allergy medication. This medicine works to keep inflammation and rash from the bites under control as they heal. Pain relievers like naproxen or ibuprofen do a great job at keeping the pain levels associated with the bites at a manageable level.

The Natural Home Remedy

If you aren't interested in using drugs to fight and heal the bed bug bites, many people turn to a baking soda remedy. You can easily use this remedy by pouring a moderate amount of baking soda into a regular-sized bowl. Add water in small increments and keep mixing the solution together until a thick paste is formed. If your solution becomes too watery or loose, simply pour in more baking soda until you reach the right consistency.

Using a spoon, spread a thick coat of the paste onto the bed bug bites. Leave the paste on long enough to dry. After about an hour, wash the solution off of the skin with warm water, and repeat this process every day until the bites have completely healed.


To prevent further bites, extermination of the bed bugs is necessary. There are many options that you can take to rid your home of bed bugs, but if the infestation is severe or the bed bugs cannot be managed, it may be necessary to contact a professional exterminator.

Never wait until the situation gets out of control to treat bed bug bites. If you treat bed bug bites soon enough, they should clear up quickly and produce no scarring or long term effects.