Pain caused by nerves, commonly regarded as neuralgia, is triggered by a number of things and can be very difficult to treat. It is characterized by a sharp pain or a tingling feeling, sometimes accompanied by spasms.
Nerve Pain Symptoms
There are many different types of nerve pain in different areas in the body. It can be caused by damage to the sciatic nerve to the ulnar nerve or damage to the femoral nerve, among others. When nerves run down are inflamed or compressed, this can also cause pain. Tumors can cause the pressure on nerves and infections have also been known to affect nerves. Diabetes, sciatica and after someone has suffered from shingles can also cause neuralgia.
Nerve Pain Treatments
However it is often difficult to locate the cause. Remedies include putting an ice pack on the area that is painful or putting a heat treatment on the painful area. Massaging deep into the area or having aromatherapy treatment might also bring some relief as well as stretching and strengthening exercises which might relieve tense muscles that could be putting pressure on the affected nerves.
Nerve Pain Relief
Depending on the cause In the mean time, anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers can be prescribed to alleviate the pain and discomfort.Alternative remedies, acupressure have been preferred as a way to relieve from pain,There have also been suggestions of electrodes being used with the help of a physical therapist, to relieve the painful area. Hypnotherapists have also been consulted for nerve pain relief. Certain whole grain cereals such as oats have been suggested as helping with pain.