Chapped lips are a cheilitic form of irritant contact dermatitis. The skin on your body is sensitive to the elements, so it should be no surprise that your lips are too. Colds winds and dry air, more common in winter, can be a rough combination for a delicate surface. The frequent contact becomes irritating, damaging the skin of your lips. Breathing through your mouth can cause a similar reaction. Likewise, frequently licking your lips can also be problematic. Although it might seem that licking them should add moisture, it can irritate and dry out your lips, much like frequent hand-washing can cause your hands to become red, raw, and cracked.
The sun can also influence chapped lips. While the rest of your skin might develop a sunburn, your lips tend to become chapped, cracking and swelling, alternating between uncomfortable and downright painful. Chapped lips can be a sign of dehydration, particularly in the elderly and the young, who tend to naturally have fewer fluids. While most of your skin contains oil glands to replenish lost moisture, your lips aren’t part of that skin, which makes them more susceptible to chapping. Chapped lips aren’t the only form of cheilitis -- there are several other varieties, which can develop as a result of infections, underlying disorders, and unknown etiologies.
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