UTI sticky notes

Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies

Urinary tract infections, or UTI’s, rank as the second most common type of infection in the body. They are often treated with a round of antibiotics, but  treatment depends on the severity of the infection and whether recurrent infections have taken place. Prescription drugs are not the only solution to treating a UTI. There are several home remedies that will help relieve not only discomfort, but also rid you of the infection all together. 

Drink More Fluids

A urinary tract infection is caused when bacteria, such as E. coli, gets trapped in the bladder. Water serves as the number one catalyst to aide in fighting the infection. Drinking the proper amount of water thins out the urine and flushes much of the bacteria out of the bladder. Doctors suggest drinking 6 to 8 glasses a day in order to effectively combat the infection. 

Empty Your Bladder

An individual fighting a UTI is often met with the extreme urge to urinate. A problem arises as urination because increasingly painful and difficult. Allowing the infection to fester in the bladder will only make matters worse. Despite the discomfort, relieving yourself and emptying your bladder is another vital step in the recovery process. Completely emptying your bladder helps to flush out the built up bacteria causing the infection. 

Soothe Your Pain

Urinary tract infections often cause abdominal discomfort and back pain. A warm heating pad can help relieve pressure and reduce inflammation and swelling around the bladder. Heat should be applied in 15-minute intervals on a low setting. 

Control Your Diet

Eating certain foods can contribute to your discomfort with a UTI. Foods that contain caffeine, alcohol, sugar, citrus, or spice can irritate the bladder and worsen the symptoms. Eating antioxidant-rich foods, such as blueberries and squash, can relieve pain. Also foods high in fiber, such as beans and oats, are deemed helpful.

Cranberries are especially useful to individuals that suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections. Nutrients found in cranberries, keep bacteria from attaching to the bladder. Cranberry supplements supply the strongest dosage necessary to make a difference.


Last Updated: April 17, 2020