A woman experiences a headache

Types of Headaches

No matter how healthy you may be, no one is immune to headaches. However, some may experience headaches more often than others and to a more severe degree. Treating your headache may be a little more complicated than taking a couple Advil. Being able to identify which type of headache you are experiencing will help you better understand how to manage symptoms correctly. Here are four types of headaches and how to treat them.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. Dull to mild pain is experienced on both sides of the head, and patients may notice specific areas pain in the face, neck, and sinuses. Tension headaches can be easily misdiagnosed as migraines. They can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers, stress reduction, and ice or heat applied to sore muscles. Good posture may also be beneficial.

Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches (sinusitis) are recognized by the pressure and throbbing pain they cause in the front of your head and face. They are caused by infection and inflammation of the sinuses. Eyes, cheeks, and forehead may all be sensitive to the touch with a sinus headache. This type of headache is often the result of a cold, but it can be caused by anything that blocks the sinuses.

The best approach to treating sinus headaches is to treat the cause of inflammation. If the cause is related to allergies, then medicine or nasal spray may be prescribed. A doctor may also opt to treat sinusitis with antibiotics. Using saline solution for the purpose of flushing the nose can sometimes be beneficial as well.


Migraines are intense, painful headaches that commonly cause nausea and sensitivity to light and noise. While headaches are normally dull and localized in a specific area, migraines can cause whole body symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, fatigue, and lightheadedness that can last hours or days.

Migraines are best treated with medication that can limit the frequency and severity of symptoms. Two primary treatment methods are available. One, pain-relieving medication can be taken while experiencing a migraine. The second option is preventive medication that is taken daily to prevent future migraines.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches occur over a period of time. A person who experiences them may have headaches two to three times a day during a cluster, which can last from two weeks to three months. Pain is located in or near the eyes and is almost always one sided. During an episode, the pain is severe and usually lasts between 30 to 90 minutes.

Because there is no cure for cluster headaches, the main goal of treatment is managing pain, but this too can be tricky. Fast-acting medication is needed for headaches that start suddenly, but are over quickly. These are typically injected or inhaled. However, preventive treatments are another option. With this approach, medication is taken at the start of a cluster episode to suppress the frequency and duration of the attacks.

If medicine does not work, surgery may be suggested. The main goal of surgery is to damage the nerve pathways believed to be at fault for causing the headaches. The use of this option, however, is rare.

Last Updated: November 21, 2016