What are triglycerides and high triglycerides?
The easy answer is fat. Since there are a variety unique kinds of fat we must dig a little further into the fatty world of triglycerides and high triglycerides. Triglycerides are regarded to be serious fats consisting of one molecule glycerin and three molecules of fatty acids. Glycerol is a water soluble carbohydrate that holds fats through the human body.
Where do Triglycerides arrive from?
For most humans, this bad fat comes from their local grocery store. Ideally, when more than enough calories are converted into fat and stored in your fat cells this is called triglycerides. The next step in the process are, hormones release triglycerides for energy in between eating. If you mainly consume more calories than you burn there is a high chance that you just might have high triglycerides.
What is an adequate level of triglycerides?
An acceptable level of triglycerides according to the AHA, 150 milligrams for each deciliter of blood. 150-199 mg/dl is thought of as ambiguous high and according to them 200 mg/dl or more is considered high and may require triglycerides treatment or some sort of triglycerides medication.
While the puzzle of triglycerides hasn't been fully revealed what we know is that those who fail to keep up a healthy level of triglycerides are at bigger risk of hardening or thickening of the arteries. Additionally, a high level of triglycerides also known as high triglycerides leads to increased weight and another condition known as (MS) or metabolic syndrome which is a series of conditions including fat around the waistline, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. It is most important to discover ways to maintain a healthy level of triglycerides. Others may feel more at ease going the organic route and employing side-effect free cholesterol and triglyceride reducing medication. Whichever route you choose to go down, there is no better time to get started than right away, to ship those dangerous high triglycerides packing and achieve a healthy level of triglycerides.