A woman with throat problems

Throat Cancer Symptoms

Throat cancer can occur anywhere in the throat from the nose to the base of the neck. It may affect the throat itself, the voice box (or larynx), tonsils, epiglottis, and even lymph nodes as it begins to spread. While there are several effective treatments for throat cancer, the earlier you notice the signs of such a cancer, the more effective (and less invasive) such treatments are likely to be. Here is a look at the symptoms of throat cancer.

Like many cancers, throat cancer can cause significant weight loss, since the body preoccupied with fighting malignant cells. Additionally, a sore throat may develop. Not only can this symptom make it difficult to swallow, but also the cancer itself can make swallowing difficult. Throat cancer can be visible—sometimes a small lump unrelated to normal anatomy may appear or be noticeable by touch through skin. Sores that do not heal may also provide evidence of throat cancer.

Since there are so many jobs the throat is responsible for, throat cancer may be observable through several other means as well. The voice may begin to change, developing a hoarseness that was not present before. A persistent cough may show up, potentially with blood. You may also notice wheezing while breathing, pain in the ear, and the lymph nodes may become swollen. 

Last Updated: July 05, 2016