Risks Associated with Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder can be a distressing thing to deal with. People with bipolar disorder are at risk for self-harm, injury, and attempted suicide. In the depressive episodes, you have to watch out for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. In the manic episodes, you have to worry about people hurting themselves through overexertion and poor judgment. In both cases, the situation can be scary. It’s not uncommon for people experiencing severe bipolar episodes to end up hospitalized in a mental hospital or other type of institution until the likelihood of self-harm is lower.
Again, the good news is that bipolar disorder is very treatable. We'll talk about that next.
Image: Ian Espinosa, via Unsplash.
Did you know...
- Are you currently or often tired? As contradictory as it may sound, one of the best things you can do is exercise! It gives you more energy by improving your blood flow and increasing your oxygen throughout your body. You don't need to do much; a brisk walk is all it takes!
- Need a quick cool down? Try drinking some hot liquid. It's true! As counterintuitive as it may seem, the heat from hot liquids will raise your body temperature. This will heat you up and cause you to sweat. The increased perspiration will wind up helping you feel cooler as it evaporates. Try it out!
- Starting to feel claustrophobic? The smells of apples may help keep your claustrophobic feelings at bay according to a 1995 study by Dr. Alan Hirsch. Green apples, specifically, helped people change their perception of their space. Maybe they thought of expansive apple orchards? Cucumbers and barbecue made the feelings worse.
- Have you ever told your husband something and he promptly forgets it? It's not his fault, actually. It really is because he's a man. The hippocampus (the part of the brain that deals with memory) begins to shrink with age faster in men than it does in women. That's why you can remember everything, and he can't!
- Do you know what the strongest muscle in your body is? No, it’s not your biceps or your thighs. It’s actually in your head. The masseter is a muscle in the jaw that is used when chewing. When all of the muscles of the jaw work together, they can exert a force as strong as 200 pounds on the molars. That’s some serious pressure.