Dangers of narcolepsy

The Dangers of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a chronic disorder that causes sudden lapses into deep sleep. Additional symptoms may include excessive daytime sleepiness, hallucinations, disrupted nocturnal sleep, and cataplexy, a condition in which the body is suddenly overwhelmed by weakness, either in one barely noticeable area or throughout the entire body. Not only is it disruptive to daily life, it can also come with serious dangers. 

Social Exclusion

Social and mood disorders can develop in narcoleptics who have difficulty managing their condition. It can be embarrassing to find oneself falling asleep in the middle of parties or social events, leading to a tendency to hide from the world, thus being spared the mortification of others knowing about an inability to control consciousness.

Humans are social beings by nature, and a lack of interaction can lead to moodiness, sadness, irritability, and helplessness that can ultimately result in depression, which has a whole host of issues all on its own. Support groups are great ways to find ways not only to deal with overwhelming feelings but also to be in company who understands and truly empathizes. 

Bottling it Up

In addition to social exclusion, narcoleptics, particularly cataplectics, may try to avoid strong emotions. Feelings like rage and excitement, even just a bout of laughter, can trigger an episode of weakness. When a person feels like they cannot properly express themselves, this too can lead to mood disorders.

Furthermore, those who do not handle emotions properly generally fail to handle stress and anxiety very well either. Research shows that when stress is not handled on a day to day level, it can build up to become chronic, which has negative effects on nearly every system of the body. Not only that, but it makes it more difficult to sleep, a significant issue for someone with a disorder that already results in poor sleep quality. 

Normal Activities

Activities that normally pose no threat can be seriously problematic for narcoleptics. A prime example of this is driving, since the body naturally relaxes when it reaches a seated position. When narcoleptic episodes occur while driving, anything from driving off the road into a tree to causing a multi-car pile up could occur if necessary precautions aren’t taken. For individuals with cataplexy as well, even walking down stairs can result in serious injury if a period of weakness overtakes the body, causing a tumble.

Medication Side Effects

While there is no cure for narcolepsy, there are a variety of medications doctors may prescribe to help with symptoms. Unfortunately, all of these medications come with sometimes-irreversible side effects. Plus, most of them have a tendency to be habit forming. They can also cause anything from impotence to irregular heart rhythms to anorexia to irritability. It is extremely important for the patient to understand the exact risks they are dealing with when beginning a medication plan from a doctor. 

Last Updated: July 18, 2016