The 5 Most Common Signs of Menopause


Mood Swings

Mood swings tend to be associated with premenstrual syndrome, but they go hand in hand with menopause as well. While it’s normal to have ups and downs throughout the day, mood swings are fast, extreme changes in emotion that may or may not have a basis in what’s going on around you at the time. A woman might go from being extremely anxious to feeling incredibly sad or depressed. Happiness can turn to irritability, which can become anger, which can become discouragement, all in a short span of time. With hormonal mood swings, things that might normally seem like small events can carry much more significance than usual. 

Once again, wildly fluctuating hormones are responsible for this “delightful” symptom of menopause. The production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for keeping our moods up, is highly affected by the estrogen fluctuations occurring during menopause. Receptors in the brain become more sensitive, and more serotonin is produced. Although that might seem like a good thing, it can put your mood wildly out of balance, rather than making you elated, like you might think. 


However, more than just hormones are at work here—there is a social aspect to mood swings as well. Consider what the other symptoms of menopause are doing to your body and your mental state: you’re fighting hot flashes, you can’t sleep because of your night sweats, you feel undesirable and itchy because your vagina isn’t producing the same amount of moisture, and the presence of menopause itself is probably making you feel a little bit, well, old. Who wouldn’t feel a little cranky and unbalanced with all of that going on? 

Again, you may want to start with gentle methods of treatment for your mood swings. Try alleviating other symptoms so you can get plenty of sleep. Eat healthier foods that provide the support your changing body needs, and get some exercise—even if it’s just a 30 minute walk each evening. Get your stress triggers under control, and find ways to manage anxiety more effectively. 

If your mood swings aren’t improving, seem to be getting worse, or seem more extreme than the normal menopausal swings, talk to your doctor about hormone therapy—or to a psychologist to make sure something more serious isn’t going on. 

Did you know...

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  • Starting to feel claustrophobic? The smells of apples may help keep your claustrophobic feelings at bay according to a 1995 study by Dr. Alan Hirsch. Green apples, specifically, helped people change their perception of their space. Maybe they thought of expansive apple orchards? Cucumbers and barbecue made the feelings worse.