Stroke Symptoms and Stroke Information
The second you suspect someone is having or has had a stroke, you should not hesitate to call 911. Seconds count with it comes to the chances of someone surviving or recovering from a stroke.
The symptoms of stroke include sudden loss of muscle control, weakness numbness or paralysis on one side of the face or body. If you suspect someone is having a stroke, you can ask them to smile, someone who has had a stroke might have one side of the smile drooping. You can also ask them to hold both arms straight out in front of them, if the cannot hold both arms at the same height or if one arm falls then this person may of had a stroke. Other symptoms of stroke are difficulty swallowing, vomiting, memory loss, trouble understanding and/or speaking. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence after you to evaluate if they can understand and speak. A person who has had a stroke may have a lack of coordination, trouble walking and keeping their balance. They may complain of dizziness, a headache, seeing double, blurred or blackened vision. Sometimes pain or a strange feeling, tingling in limbs, and temperature sensitivity can be associated with a stroke, this can occur a couple minutes or several weeks after a stroke.
Symptoms of Stroke
If you think someone is having a stroke you should first call 911. Perform CPR if necessary while waiting for emergency personal to arrive. If the person is vomiting turn the person's head to the side to prevent choking. You keep notes of when each symptom began to give to the doctor. The doctor can use this information to determine what treatment is best for the victim. The symptoms of a stroke may fluctuate or ever temporally disappear but you should not hesitate to call 911. Someone who has had a stroke but not received treatment may become withdrawn, seem less social, more impulsive, or display a decline in self care. They may not realize they have had a stroke and failed to get the proper treatment. You should see that this person receives medical attention immediately.
Stroke Information
The cause of a stroke is when the brain is deprived of blood. Three of the main types of strokes are a ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, occurs when an artery is block. A hemorrhagic stroke is cause by a blood vessel that has burst or is leaking. A transient ischemic stroke occurs when there is a short disrupt of blood flow to the brain. This type of stroke is also referred to as a mini-stroke.
Stroke Risk Factors
There are many factors that can increase your risk for a stroke. Risk factors for a stroke include being over the age of 55, a family history of strokes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, inactivity, being overweight, cardiovascular diseases, heavy drinking, drug use and smoking. A stroke can also be caused by the side effects of medications.
Stroke Treatments
The severity of the stroke and quick medical attention are the main factor in whether the victim will make a full or partial recovery. Someone recovering from stroke will require physical therapy. Although the physical therapy can be trying, there is a good chance a stroke survivor can regain some if not most of their abilities back. Often stroke survivors need a caregiver to help with self care. To give someone the best chance, learn the sign of stroke before so you can be ready. When it comes to a stroke, quick medical attention can be the difference between life and death.