What does strep throat look like?

The most visible signs of strep throat are red and white blotches near the back of the throat. In some cases, you may also notice some pus discharge too. In severe cases, the lymph nodes in your neck might begin to swell and become tender to the touch as well.You will also likely have a fever. Nausea and vomiting are common in children. Headaches and body aches are also symptoms of a more severe case of strep throat. If you have these symptoms, it is very likely that your sore throat is actually strep throat, and you need to call your doctor.
What causes strep throat?
How is strep throat different from a sore throat?

Strep throat is more intense than a typical sore throat that is caused by allergies or a common cold. If your sore throat is caused or is accompanied by a cough or a runny nose, it is very likely that it is only a sore throat that does not need to be treated with antibiotics and will probably go away without a doctor’s intervention.Strep is almost always accompanied with a fever, and it will more than likely have white and red spots in the back of the throat. Strep is not usually accompanied with a cough or a runny nose. This is because it is not caused by allergies or a common cold virus, but rather a bacterial infection.
What are the risk factors of strep throat?

It is more likely to get strep throat if you are a child or around children often. This is because children are more likely to share food, drinks, and toys, as well as coughing without covering their mouths, which are all ways to easily spread strep throat.Another risk factor is the winter or early spring when more people are inside and in close contact with more people. This leads to more accidental sharing of bacteria through droplets in the air or through sharing eating and drinking utensils.
How is strep throat diagnosed?

Since strep is a bacterial infection, it is diagnosed by the doctor swabbing the back of your throat with a swab that looks like a long qtip. This is so they can take a sample of the bacteria in your throat to see if they are the strain that causes strep throat.Your doctor will also take into consideration your symptoms, look in your throat, and possibly press on your neck and listen to your heart and breathing. If your doctor thinks your symptoms are symptoms of strep throat, they will prescribe you antibiotics.
How is strep throat treated?

Antibiotics are the most common treatment for strep throat. Most doctors opt for penicillin or amoxicillin, which normally take effect in one or two days. Antibiotics attack the bacteria that is causing the strep throat, and as the bacteria dies, the symptoms start going away as well.
During this time, you may want to use over-the-counter medications like Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) to help alleviate individual symptoms caused by pain or inflammation. Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help with pain, fever, and swelling.
What are possible complications of strep throat?

Any infection when left untreated can have serious complications, and strep throat is not an exception. One complication could be the infection spreading to surrounding areas such as the tonsils, sinuses, ears, or even worse, the blood.According to the Mayo Clinic, inflammatory illnesses could also occur like scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, post-strep reactive arthritis, and post-strep kidney inflammation. These are all more serious conditions than strep throat itself, so it is very important to get strep throat treated as soon as you can.
Are there strep throat home remedies?

Certain home remedies can help you manage your symptoms while recovering from strep throat. For example, gargling with salt water and using a humidifier can help keep your sore throat at bay. However, home remedies cannot cure strep throat entirely; antibiotics are necessary for a full recovery. Unlike the common cold or a sore throat caused by allergies, you need a doctor’s intervention to treat sore throat.
How can strep throat be prevented?

The best way to stop the spread of strep throat is to avoid those who are sick and isolate yourself if you start to develop symptoms. Avoid sharing personal items with others, and as always, practice thorough and consistent hand washing.
Also remember to cover your mouth if you have been diagnosed with strep throat to avoid spreading it to those you live with. These precautions will also help prevent the spread of other infections and viruses.
What can you expect at your doctor appointment?

At your doctor appointment for strep throat, your doctor will probably start by asking you questions. You should also come prepared with your own questions for the doctor such as what could have caused your sore throat or what you can do to improve your symptoms.Your doctor will also do some routine checks like heart rate, blood pressure, and weight before moving on to checking your throat, lungs, and neck for signs and symptoms of strep throat. If your doctor diagnoses you with strep throat, they will give you a prescription for an antibiotic when you leave.