a woman discussing social anxiety symptoms

Social Anxiety Treatments

If you suffer from social anxiety, then you know how difficult this condition can make life. You may watch others socialize at parties and events with ease, while you may become overwhelmed when entering a room with just a small group of friends present. There are several treatments for social anxiety, and there is likely one that is right for you. With the right treatment, you can conquer your fears and begin living a happier, more fulfilling life. 


SSRIs are medications that are used to treat depression and many types of anxiety. They work by increasing the level of a chemical in your brain called serotonin. Increasing the level of this brain chemical can help you feel more relaxed and at ease around other people. 

This type of medication can have some side effects, but there are now several different variations of this medicine on the market. If one gives you undesirable side effects, then there may be another that works well for you without the side effects. SSRI antidepressants must be prescribed by physicians. While classically prescribed by psychiatrists, many primary care physicians are now comfortable prescribing them when necessary. 


Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety medications that can be prescribed for occasional use. They work faster and have a much stronger anti-anxiety effect than SSRIs, but they should not be taken every day, as they can be addictive when used long-term. Benzodiazepines are also available by prescription only. 

This type of medication is useful for using in occasional situations when you need fast anxiety relief, such as before a party or other important event. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Regardless of whether you choose to take medication to treat your social anxiety, you may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a type of counseling you must receive from a psychologist. 

During your first appointment with a psychologist, he or she will ask you to discuss your symptoms to give you a diagnosis. Unlike other forms of therapy, this type does not involve delving too deep into your past and family life. Instead, the goal of behavioral therapy is just solving the problem you have right now. 

Your therapist will have you perform exercises to help you get over your social fear and anxiety. This includes tasks you perform inside and outside of your sessions. 

During sessions, your counselor may have you envision yourself in crowds and think about what goes through your mind. He or she will then give you suggestions on how to change your fearful thoughts into more positive ones. 

Your homework will involves actually going into crowded places and performing the mental exercises that you practiced in your sessions. While this may sound like a huge endeavor, all of this takes place over many weeks and many sessions, so you gradually build up courage and a new mindset around people. Social anxiety can be difficult to overcome, but with the right treatment or combination of treatments, you can tackle your disorder and live a happier life.

Last Updated: May 08, 2017