A woman suffers from a chest cold

Should I Be Worried About This Chest Cold?

Chest colds are fairly common during the winter months. Everyone heads inside, which means germs don’t have as far to go for their next victim. However, if home treatment and rest don’t seem to be improving your symptoms, it may be time to see a doctor.

More serious issues like pneumonia can develop from a seemingly benign respiratory infection. If you have a high fever, notice wheezing (a whistling sound in the chest), feel confused and disoriented, or are having increased difficulty breathing (including rapid heartbeats or breaths), get to a doctor right away.

Chest colds in the very young and the elderly may also be more dangerous than when they present in a healthy adult and can get very serious very quickly. If a loved one who is at an increased risk of developing more serious issues from a chest cold isn’t getting better, seems to be getting worse, shows signs of dehydration, or has any of the above symptoms, seek medical help immediately. 

Last Updated: September 06, 2016