a caretaker working to prevent parkinson's disease

Preventing Parkinson's Disease

While the specific causes of Parkinson's disease are debatable, scientists think that they have determined a number of ways to prevent it. There has been much effort and significant resources poured into studying the disease. Below are specific actions to take and behaviors to adopt to help you prevent Parkinson's disease.

Cut Out The Caffeine

Research on Parkinson's disease shows that eliminating caffeine consumption might reduce the chances of developing this condition. Those who fear being diagnosed with the disease should cut out all or most of their caffeine intake. This means eliminating food and drinks like chocolate, soda, coffee, and tea. Scientists do, however, believe that green tea might play a role in lowering risks of developing the disease.

Modify Your Diet

Other scientific research indicates that a healthy diet can decrease the risk Parkinson's disease. Specifically, people who want to cut their chances of developing Parkinson's disease should add numerous organic vegetables, fruits, fish, high-fiber foods and foods rich in omega 3 oils to their diets.

Scientists who've studied the disease specifically recommend adopting the Mediterranean diet, which is mainly composed of fish, olives, olive oil, beans, red wine, and very little meat and dairy. Scientists harp on reducing the consumption of red meat and dairy products like eggs, cheese, yogurt and milk. They believe that reducing these foods from your diet will help to protect against the disease, but they are still performing studies to determine exactly why this is the case.

People who decide to be proactive and incorporate more vegetables into their diets should focus on adding raw vegetables that are high in vitamin B folate, also known as folic acid. Numerous studies have shown that people with low amounts of folic acid will have a heightened risk of Parkinson's. If you think it will be difficult to incorporate raw vegetables into your diet, drink them in the form of juices. Buy a blender or juicer and juice vegetables that are rich in folic acid each morning.

Reduce Your Exposure To Pesticides

Do your best to avoid pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and sources of petroleum hydrocarbon solvents such as glue and paint. If mosquito fogging is deployed in your area to combat West Nile Virus, remain indoors so that you aren't exposed to a hefty amount of pesticides. Also, utilize low-volatile paints when painting your home's rooms. When you paint, keep your windows fully open so that you can breath in a constant supply of fresh air.

Eliminate Excess Iron

Scientists believe that diets with an excessive amount of iron put individuals at risk for Parkinson's disease. Human beings need iron, but only a certain amount. Adult males need only 8 mg of iron per day, while adult females require between 8 mg and 15 mg per day. When iron is over-consumed through excessive supplements or through foods that are rich in it, it will contribute towards oxidative stress. This occurs when cells emit toxic free radicals. The result is the degeneration of cells within the brain, a common characteristic of those who suffer from Parkinson's disease.

Last Updated: April 27, 2018