a woman applying sunblock

Living with Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition that disrupts the melanin production on the outer layer of skin, often leading to large patches of depigmentation. Since there is no cure for this disease, living with vitiligo can be difficult and have a negative effect on your self-confidence and general quality of life. There are, however, some things that you can do to minimize the visible effects this skin condition.

Protect yourself from the sun.

It is very important to protect your skin from the sun if you suffer from vitiligo. This is because skin that is lacking in melanin has the ability to sunburn extremely easy. And furthermore, bad sunburns can cause the effects vitiligo to become even worse.

To adequately protect yourself from the sun, dermatologists recommend using sunscreen often. Applying large amounts of broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with a rating of at least 30 SPF to areas of exposed skin on a daily basis is important for managing this condition.

In addition to wearing sunscreen, you should also wear clothing that provides protection from the sun. Different colors and materials of clothing can offer different levels of SPF value. While a white T-shirt only has about an SPF rating of about seven, a long-sleeve denim shirt has an SPF of around 1,700. You can boost the SPF of your clothing by adding a product such as SunGuard to the wash cycle of your clothing.

When outside, try to stay in the shade as much as possible, even if you are protected by clothing and sunscreen. This is especially important when the sun’s rays directly overhead and at their strongest.

Avoid tattoos.

When you injure your skin, as occurs during the tattoo process, sometimes something called the Koebner phenomenon can occur. This means that fresh wounds can cause a patch of vitiligo to appear about two weeks later.

Educate yourself.

Learning as much as you can about your condition will have a positive effect on your general well-being because it will give you more confidence. Knowing all of your possible options for managing and treating your vitiligo will help you to make the best possible decision for your personal circumstances.

Use makeup or self-tanners.

Do not use tanning beds or sun lamps as an alternative to the sun. These can also cause great damage to your depigmented skin. Instead, if you want to try to camouflage your vitiligo by adding color back to your skin, try using cosmetics. These can include makeup, dyes, and self-tanners. Most people with vitiligo are able to achieve a natural look by using self-tanners and concealing makeup.  Self-tanners and dyes will last longer than makeup. If you use makeup, choose a product that is waterproof for the best results. If you would rather try the self-tanning option, be sure to choose a product that contains dihydroxyacetone.

Find a support group.

There are many advantages to connecting with other people who share your condition. Vitiligo can pose unique challenges, especially if you are trying to deal with it on your own. There are many online support groups such as Vitiligo Friends and Vitiligo Support International that make it easier for you to connect with others, as well as give you the chance to share your stories and experiences. 

Last Updated: July 12, 2016