Two stuttering toddlers

Is Toddler Stuttering a Normal Part of Development?

Learning a language is a process. Whether it’s taking on the vocabulary and grammar of a second or third language, or learning a first language as a child, it can take some time to grasp the movements and sounds of speech production. However, the earlier an intervention is made when diagnosable stuttering is present, the easier it tends to be treated.

Some disfluency is certainly normal on the part of a young child learning to speak. An emotionally overwrought or tired child will have more difficulty spitting out what he’s trying to say. This is not to say your child’s stuttering is totally normal, though. True stuttering normally continues for at least six months and consists of repeating a syllable at least four times or carrying out sounds as they search for the next one. Additionally, these characteristics will occur essentially all the time, rather than just periods of high excitement.

Perhaps most the most noticeable attribute of “true” stuttering is the psychological and behavioral characteristics that accompany it. Patients may have a facial reaction to their stuttering and become anxious or embarrassed about speaking in front of people, particularly when stuttering is present.

If you suspect your child is one of those who could benefit from speech therapy, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with a speech language therapist while they're still at the most crucial age. 

Last Updated: June 17, 2016

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