A lil kiddo with the stomach flu

Is There a Stomach Flu Cure?

Does it seem like you get the stomach flu every time it goes around? You’re not alone. Each year there are about 20 million cases of the stomach flu, also known as gastroenteritis, in the United States alone. Although it’s common, a lot isn’t known about this contagious virus. 

Unfortunately, there is no stomach-flu shot, or even specific medical treatment for the condition. Antibiotics do not effectively treat viruses, and can result in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, if overused.
Although there is no vaccine for the stomach-flu, there is a vaccine for the rotavirus, one of the viruses that causes the stomach-flu. The rotavirus most commonly affects kids and can be severe for infants and young children. Adults who do contract rotavirus rarely show symptoms. The vaccine, called RotaTeq, can protect your children from being infected. The other virus that causes stomach flu, the norovirus, does not have a vaccine.

Self-care is your best bet for getting over the illness.  This includes resting, staying hydrated, and eating bland foods. Once your digestive system calms down and returns to normal, you can go back to eating your normal diet.

Last Updated: October 17, 2016

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