A pediatrician

Is Colicky Pain Real?

Colic is most often associated with inconsolable, crying infants. It can be frustrating for parents because babies can cry for hours at a time for no clear reason, and comforting them seems impossible.

What is colic? 

Colic is common and usually begins when your baby is a few weeks old, but it can improve over the first few months.
The cause of colic is unknown, but some theories include: allergies, lactose intolerance, gas, and a digestive system that hasn’t fully developed yet.

Is it painful?

Colic can be frustrating and difficult to live through for both parents and baby, but no, your baby is most likely not in pain. Colic doesn’t have any medical complications. Babies with colic still grow and develop normally. 

What can you do?

Although it can seem like nothing you do can help your upset baby, you can still try a couple things such as holding your baby upright during feedings, changing your diet—if you breast-feed, switch the formula—if your baby is formula fed, and change the bottles you use.
You can also try soothing your baby by giving them a pacifier, holding your baby, rocking your baby, singing to your baby, or playing soft music. What works for some babies may not work for others, sometimes they are just going to cry. 

Last Updated: May 03, 2016

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