HPV Treatments

Although contracting HPV doesn't guarantee that you will get cervical cancers, a large number of cervical cancer cases are caused from HPV. That is why it is a major breakthrough that a new HPV vaccine is now available on an experimental basis to certain women. According to the National Cancer Institute, 90% of all HPV cases go away on their own. However, of the remaining 10%, the possibility of getting cervical cancer increases. The HPV vaccine comprises a series of shots that are designed to prevent HPV infection. In a study described by the National Cancer Institute, 2,392 women participated. The women who received all three shots never developed HPV. Of the women in the study group, 41 did contract HPV-16, but they were in the placebo group and never did receive the HPV vaccine.

The study shows that the vaccine holds a lot of promise. Since HPV is a relatively silent virus, most people don't even know they have it. However, there is still that risk that it will cause cancer. This risk makes the HPV vaccine worthwhile; however, the one drawback of this HPV vaccine is that it is only good for HPV-16. There are other strains of HPV that can still cause cervical cancer. This is why getting a pap test is still a necessary way to detect HPV. The results of the study do give some hope to those who can potentially suffer from cervical cancer because of it.

Although 90% of all cases of HPV disappear on their own, the number of people infected with HPV increases every year. If you want to protect yourself against HPV, the HPV vaccine is a worthwhile option. Otherwise, practicing safe, monogamous sex is your best bet. You can also use a condom, but how a condom affects getting HPV infection is not known at this time. HPV provides detailed information on HPV, HPV Vaccine, HPV Treatments, HIV Treatment, HIV Treatments, HPV Symptoms and more.

Last Updated: April 07, 2016