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How to Live With Lyme Disease

Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep

Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep

One of the many symptoms of Lyme disease is an affected sleep cycle. Many patients are unable to reach the NREM phase, which is the deepest level of sleep. Because of this, they’re bodies cannot properly heal. Lack of sleep hinders the immune system and affects recovery time. It’s important to try and get as much rest as possible when you have Lyme, even if that rest is interrupted at times.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise Regularly

Because Lyme is often associated with joint pain and muscle stiffness, doctors recommend that patients exercise daily—or as much as possible. Light to moderate aerobic exercise increases muscle strength and improves overall health. If you suffer from severe joint pain, try low-impact activities like yoga or water aerobics.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eat a Healthy Diet

Nutrition is a huge part of overall health and wellness—especially for those with compromised health. Although it’s not a cure, it’s an easy way to accelerate healing and recovery. Many dieticians recommend that Lyme patients eat an anti-inflammatory diet that’s rich in nutrients. Seafood, non-starchy vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds are all nutrient-dense foods.

Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

If you’re living with Lyme disease, one of the best ways to fight against the illness is by reducing stress. An increase in heart rate and an elevation in stress hormones and blood pressure can seriously affect your body. And if you’re already suffering from the symptoms of Lyme, you don’t need the additional symptoms of stress.

Invest in Essential Oils

Invest in Essential Oils

Because the only true treatment for Lyme disease is oral or intravenous antibiotics, there’s been lots of research on alternative medicine. Essential oils are just one of many alternative treatment options. These oils can be diffused, added to bath water, placed under the tongue, or used as nasal spray. While there’s no real medical or scientific research backing this treatment, many Lyme patients have tried essential oils and experienced relief.

See a Physician

See a Physician

The best way to take care of your health is to schedule an appointment with a physician. Whether you have yet to be officially diagnosed with Lyme or have been suffering from Lyme for weeks, months, or even years, visiting with a medical professional is always a good idea. They can provide you with the advice and resources needed to promote long-term healing.

Stay Educated

Stay Educated

Lyme disease is a preventable illness. But to prevent it, you must be educated on it. Deer ticks, which cause Lyme, usually live in wooded, bushy areas. If you’re going to be in these types of areas, take precautions. Use insect repellents, cover up, and check your clothing and body after being in these types of areas. No one is immune to this disease!

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Living with chronic Lyme disease is hard. The constant fatigue, the aching joints, and the plethora of other symptoms can be debilitating. But what’s even more debilitating is the misconceptions about this disease. It can be discouraging to fight an illness that many don’t consider to be “real.” But there are millions of others living with disease. Reach out to a therapist, friend, or fellow Lyme patient so you don’t have to fight this illness alone.

Connect With Others

Connect With Others

Because Lyme is an invisible illness, patients often feel very alone. Luckily, we live in the Digital Age. We have 24/7 access to the Internet and social media, meaning we can connect digitally with others who are suffering from Lyme disease. It can be therapeutic to talk to other people who are affected by this disease and understand what you’re going through.

Be Your Own Advocate

Be Your Own Advocate

Always be prepared to be your own advocate—because you can’t always rely on others to do it for you. I say this because this is a disease that’s frequently misdiagnosed. You know your body better than anyone else. If something feels off, do your research and advocate for yourself. Keep learning, questioning, and educating others on this disease.