First and foremost, it is extremely important to seek professional medical care if you’ve noticed you need to urinate more frequently than normal. Serious conditions from infection to diabetes can cause frequent urination, and it is of paramount importance to rule out other health issues before attempting to control an unruly bladder from home. However, if you’re simply seeking a little relief, there are a variety of possibilities.
Fluid Management
Drinking the right amount of fluids can be a delicate balance. Although decreasing fluid intake may help, in some cases it can kick the body into overdrive to get rid of the extra waste. Try sticking to one glass of water between meals and a two-cup maximum during mealtime to balance out your body. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which act as diuretics and stimulate the body to urinate more than normal by their very nature. That means not only coffee, but tea, soda, and even chocolate. Artificial sweeteners are another culprit that can not only increase the need to go more often, but also more strongly. Go back to sugar or switch to water.
Body Management
Urinating involves muscles, just like every other bodily function. And although you might not want those muscles to be big and bulging like your biceps, they still need to be taken care of. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor, which in turn can help control urination, and they aren’t just for women. Relax and contract the muscles you use to urinate in three second intervals. It can be helpful getting started to begin by lying on the floor with bent knees and an empty bladder until you get the hang of it. Retraining your bladder can also help. Regain control over your bladder by holding it just a little longer every time. A full body workout may also be necessary to help with excess weight. Unnecessary fat in the abdominal area increases pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination in a manner similar to that of a woman during pregnancy.
Alternative Medicine
Although there is no proof or research backing up any alternative avenues of urinary assistance, some people have sought therapies other than prescription medications. Certain plants and blends taken as supplements or teas may provide some relief. Before beginning the use of any alternative methods, always consult a doctor or someone who specializes in less traditional medicines, especially if you plan to use them in tandem with prescription medication. Some commonly speculated but unproven natural helpers include:
- Buchu
- Cleavers
- Horsetail
- Cornsilk
- Ganoderma lucidum (a mushroom)
- Resiniferatoxin
- Saw Palmetto
- Cranberries
- Capsaicin (the chemical in peppers that creates the sensation of spiciness)