a woman who is treating a common cold

Finding the Best Cold Treatment for You

Symptoms from the common cold can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Although there is no cure for the common cold, you can find a cold treatment that can give you relief from your symptoms. Treating your symptoms as soon as they develop can reduce the amount of time that you're sick.

Let your body recuperate.

While you might not think of it as a cold treatment, rest is important. It is important to rest your body as much as possible in order to maximize your body's recuperation time. The cold virus will leave on its own, but failing to get proper rest can make your cold symptoms less tolerable. During rest, cells in the body repair at a much higher rate. If it is not possible to fit sleep in during the day, moving your bedtime up a couple of hours can be just as beneficial. Allow for more than eight hours of sleep, especially at the onset of your cold symptoms.

Know what to treat.

Before using medicine as a cold treatment, it is important to determine what symptoms you need to treat. Most symptoms can be treated using natural remedies. Drinking water will keep your body hydrated while loosening the mucus that is causing congestion. Gargling with a mixture of salt and water is effective at relieving pain caused by a sore throat. Studies have shown that taking zinc as a lozenge or syrup at the beginning of a cold can shorten the length of an upper respiratory infection.

Avoid using a medicine as a cold treatment if it addresses symptoms you don't have. Over medicating can cause you to feel worse since it will effect your body but won't treat your cold symptoms. Opt for medicines such as pain relievers, fever reducers, antihistamines, and nasal decongestants--all of which target a specific symptom. A good rule of thumb is to find a cold treatment for the the symptom that causes you the most discomfort. All other symptoms will seem much less troublesome once the greatest symptom is relieved.

Doctors can help.

Although the common cold will leave on its own, there are times when you should visit a doctor. Illnesses such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and strep throat are caused by bacteria that can only be treated with antibiotics. Colds that are very severe and last longer than a couple of weeks are usually signs of a bacterial infection. Your primary care physician is the best doctor to see when you experience symptoms of a bacterial infection. He or she can write a prescription for the appropriate antibiotic for your condition.

Antibiotics should be taken as directed by your physician. Antibiotics need to be taken completely, even if your symptoms are clearing up. Failure to do so will result in a recurring infection.


You don't need a cold treatment if you don't develop the illness in the first place. The best defense against a cold is a good offense. Keeping your hands clean and avoiding touching your face with your hands will go a long way in keeping your body healthy. A well balanced diet can also keep your immune system performing at an optimal level. Even with these measures in place, you can still be susceptible to colds. Knowing what you can do to feel better will make a cold much easier to deal with.  

Last Updated: September 06, 2016