a man concerned about cracking knuckles and arthritis

Does Cracking Your Knuckles Cause Arthritis?

Cracking or "popping" knuckles is a habit shared by much of the adult population. While growing up you might have been told that such a habit will lead to arthritis later in life. Fortunately for all the devout knuckle-crackers out there, this is not true.

So, if popping your joints isn’t the sound of your joints slowing deteriorating, what is it? The popping or cracking sound that happens from pulling, twisting, or bending your fingers is a result of a bubble bursting inside the synovial fluid that surrounds your joints and helps lubricate them.

Even though cracking your knuckles doesn’t lead to arthritis, it still might be a habit worth reconsidering. Some studies have shown that repeated joint popping can make you more likely to have swollen hands as you age, as well as reduced grip strength. In rare cases, attempting to pop your knuckles can sometimes lead to injury.

Last Updated: April 18, 2018

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