Diarrhea Information

Diarrhea Information

If you have come here to look for diarrhea information then you have come to the right place. It is very important to know diarrhea information because it can cause your health to change dramatically. Learning the diarrhea information can benefit your health as well as educating you about the disease. Diarrhea is the condition of having three or more loose bowels movements per day, it can last for two to three days and can be treated with over the counter medication. It is usually non fatal, but can cause affected persons to become dehydrated and have electrolyte imbalances. Many people, young and old, will be affected by diarrhea once or twice each year. Like many virus, Diarrhea has five different types: Secretory, Osmotic, Exudative, Motility-related, Inflammatory, and Dysentery. Secretory is an inhibition of absorption and little to no structural damage. Osmotic happens when there is too much water drawn into the bowels. Exudative occurs when there is a sign of blood and pus in the stool. Motility-related is caused by the rapid movement of food through the intestines. Inflammatory happens when damage occurs to the mucous membrane lining or striated border and can lead to massive loss of fluids that are rich in protein.

Causes and Symptoms

The most common causes of loose bowels is a virus that infects the stomach, which is sometimes call the intestinal flu or stomach flu and lasts for at least two days. There are many other ways to cause diarrhea, such as Eating foods that upset the digestive system, Allergies to certain foods, Medications, Radiation therapy, Some cancers, Alcohol abuse, and diabetes. Diarrhea is broken down to two categories, non complicated and complicated. Non Complicated symptoms include: Abdominal bloating or cramps, Thin or loose bowels, watery stool, Sense of urgency to have a bowel movement, and Nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of complicated diarrhea includes: Blood, mucus, or undigested food in the stool, Weight loss, and Fever. Complicated diarrhea may be a sign of a more serious illness.


If you are experiencing mild loose bowels, you can let it runs its course or you can take over the counter drugs, such as Pepto-Bismol, Imodium A-D, and Kaopectate. These medications are available as liquids or tablets. After purchasing it is very important that you follow the directions on the package. Doctor's recommend people that are suffering from diarrhea drink six to eight ounce glasses of liquids per day, for instance pulp free fruit juice, broth, or caffeine free soda between meals. You should drink those six to eight ounce glasses in small amount frequently. You can also have fat free chick broth, tea with honey, and sports drinks. When experiencing this horrible disease you may have rectal discomfort, such as soreness, itching, burning, or pain during bowel movements. It is recommended to take warm baths and afterwards pat dry with a soft sanitary towel and apply a hemorrhoid cream or white petroleum jelly to the anus.

When to Contact a Doctor: There are numerous of conditions, medicines, and disease that can interfere with your child's ability to fight of infections. Your child might be at risk if he or she is affected by any of these conditions: being born prematurely, your child be at risk during a ship cruise, if any family members have loose bowels, family history of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, if your child is in daycare, Colchicine, Digoxin, prednisone and many others. You should call you child's pediatrician if your child is experiencing loose bowels and his/ her symptoms does not improve in 24 hours or if you baby has not had a wet diaper in three or more hours, has a fever of more than 102 F (39 C), has bloody or black stools, has a dry mouth or cries without tears, is unusually sleepy, drowsy, unresponsive or irritable, has a sunken appearance to the abdomen, eyes or cheeks and has skin that doesn't flatten if pinched and released. You should call your doctor if you are experiencing loose bowels and your symptoms does not improve in three days, become dehydrated, have severe abdominal or rectal pain, bloody or black stools, and or have a fever of more than 102 F (39 C).

Last Updated: May 04, 2017