A useless cellulite treatment

Cellulite Treatments to Avoid

Cellulite develops when extra deposits of fat form underneath the skin. It’s more often visible on women, because that extra fat is generally stored in the hips and thighs. The muscles lying underneath the fat are constantly in use, so they push the cellulite against thin layers of skin. Men tend to store extra fat on the abdomen, and they also have thicker skin than women, which means they generally aren’t searching as frantically for a cellulite cure. But regardless of whether you’re man or women, just starting to develop the first dimple or have been fighting obesity for years, there’s only one guaranteed cellulite treatment: diet and exercise.


If you’re tired of trying to get rid of cellulite, liposuction might seem like a good (albeit expensive) option. But here’s the thing: you have to be pretty close to the ideal weight for your body to be a good candidate. If you weigh three times what you should, there’s very little point in getting liposuction, because the cellulite is just going to come straight back when you retain your normal bad diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Creams and Wraps

If you use lotion on your skin and are expecting it to reduce the cellulite beneath all the layers of skin, think again. Consider the science of the issue. Cellulite builds up as extra fat that gets stuffed away under the skin, and then the muscles it sits on pushes it against the skin. What can a cream possibly do? Body wraps and special massages aren’t going to cut it either. They may feel good, but they aren’t going to be highly effective.

What Does Work?

Eat a good, varied diet. Pay attention to what makes you feel full and what leaves you feeling wanting, so you can eat things that fill up your body without wasting calories. Start a workout that focuses on the areas where cellulite tends to gather for you, like lunges or leg presses. Talk to someone who is trained in exercises that you’re looking for. And if you’re concerned that it’s genetics or some other crazy thing making all the fat dimple up, then talk to your doctor. 

Last Updated: February 16, 2016