A dry skinned woman in summer

Avoiding Dry Skin in the Summer

Even though cold winter weather is much harder on your skin than the summer heat, there are still precautions you should take to protect your skin from becoming dry and parched. The summer heat is more likely to dry out your skin if you live in dry, low-humidity climates such as the American southwest. Here are some tips for avoiding dry skin during the summer.

Use sunscreen.

Spending time outdoors is a normal during the summertime for most people, but too much sun exposure can do a lot of damage to your skin. If you get sunburned repeatedly, especially if you are fair-skinned, this could lead to skin that is dried out, peeling, and prematurely aged. Try to limit direct sun exposure as much as possible, but when you are in the sun, use sunscreen with at least SPF 15. Large-brimmed hats and protective clothing can also help to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays.

Avoid harsh soaps and solvents.

Bug repellents and solvents that could be used for gardening projects or cleaning will often contain many harsh chemicals that are very irritating to your skin, making it dry and itchy. Alcohol-based products will also dissolve away the natural moisturizers and oils that are found on your skin, leaving it dry and flaky. Instead, try to use mild cleansers that don’t contain any dyes or fragrances, as these substances can irritate your skin even further.

Avoid chlorination.

Chlorine is a chemical that is found in most swimming pools and hot tubs. Since chlorine is a harsh chemical that quickly pulls the moisture from your skin, this can be bad for frequent swimmers. The best way to protect your skin is to avoid chlorine as much as possible, but there are also certain products available that may help, such as lotions that can neutralize chlorine and block the chemical from drying out your skin.

Take warm showers instead of hot.

Similarly to chlorinated bodies of water, extremely long, hot showers will also strip your skin of its natural oils very quickly. Instead, try to turn down the temperature of the water just a little bit and cut down the time of your showers as much as you can.  

Use your air conditioner sparingly.

Since your air conditioner pulls humidity out of the air, it can also trigger dry skin. Therefore, you should resist cranking up the air conditioner as high as it will go to avoid drying out your skin.

Be careful when shaving.

Whether you are shaving your legs, your face, or anything in between, shaving could also be contributing your dry skin problems. This is because shaving can irritate your skin if you are shaving too close or too often, and the shaving gels and creams that you use might also contain ingredients that dry your skin as well. Protect your skin by always using a fresh razor blade and choosing alcohol-free gels and creams that contain moisturizers. Additionally, it is helpful to always shave in the direction in which your hair grows. 

Last Updated: November 16, 2015