guy with astigmatism

Astigmatism Natural Remedies

Astigmatism is a refractive eye condition characterized by an abnormal shaping of the eyeball. Rather than spherical, astigmatic eye appears elongated, more like a football. There are different types of astigmatism, and it can affect everyone differently. Some people may not even notice their vision is affected. Here’s a look at how home remedies might improve astigmatism.

When Home Remedies Aren’t Appropriate

In many cases, an eye disorder that develops because of an abnormality or presents as a vision deficiency is unlikely to be successfully managed through home remedies. For example, if you had trouble seeing things far away, trying to fix that from home rather than getting corrective lenses might make the problem worse or introduce complications. For this reason, it is strongly suggested that if you have astigmatism you visit an eye doctor regularly for professional assistance in managing this problem. 

Eye Exercises

Astigmatism changes the way light refracts through the eyeball, making it difficult to focus clearly. While corrective lenses can help, surgery is sometimes necessary. If you’re hesitant to approach surgery, there are exercises that may help improve eyesight when glasses or contacts are just not sufficient. One exercise involves covering your dominant eye, picking a point or object in the distance, and focusing on it with your nondominant eye. Then, switch eyes and focus with your dominant eye. Doing this alternating exercise for about five minutes a day may help your focus get better over time. 

Other exercises may be more beneficial if you have difficulty focusing on things that are close up. Try this exercise: find a book and read a few sentences. Switch quickly to a nearby object, such as a small notepad. Swap your eyes back to the book and continue reading. Practice alternating your gaze for about 5 minutes daily. If either exercise begins to be painful, take a break. Eventually, just like with any muscle, it should become easier and easier.

Eating for Your Eyes

One concern with visual problems is that they get worse. Some eye diseases can even lead to blindness, particularly if left untended. While it may not seem like it helps a lot, eating foods that contain nutrients beneficial to the eyes may help improve general eye health. Vitamin C helps take care of free radicals that can cause damage in the body, including the eyes. Eating the recommended amount may help keep your eyes more robust. Vitamin E can provide a similar service, as well as helping with inflammation. 
Astigmatism often causes headaches from eye strain, so this may be particularly beneficial in that arena. 

Vegetables that contain lutein and zeaxanthin are especially good for the macula, the part of the eye responsible for detail. These carotenoids are found in leafy greens (like spinach), orange pepper, and egg yolks. Carrots contain lutein as well as Vitamin A, which can also be beneficial for your vision. Other foods that are recommended for eye health include bilberry, black currant, cassia seed, indian gooseberry, gingko biloba, green tea, milk thistle, turmeric, triphala, wolfberry, and foods with a high level of omega-3s, such as salmon. Be careful utilizing any new herbs or supplements without a doctor’s supervision. Additionally, be extremely wary of anything that suggests putting any of these items directly into your eye, as this can cause infection or blindness. 

Last Updated: January 20, 2017