A pair of old hands

Age Spot Creams: Are They Worth the Money?

Age spots, liver spots, solar lentigines—whatever name you give them, they can still be unpleasant. And while there are several methods for their removal performed by a dermatologist, those treatments can be costly. Many people turn to over-the-counter aging creams and lotions for answers. While there are a plethora of such products on the market, are they worth it? Or are you just wasting money that could have been put toward a good chemical peel instead? 

First of all, realize you aren’t going to get any immediate results. The trick with cream is consistent, repeated use. It can take months before you notice your age spots getting any lighter. Additionally, most experts recommend looking for specific ingredients in your age spot cream. If you’re going to take the leap, look for a product containing hydroquinone, glycolic acid, kojic acid, deoxyarbutin, or alpha hydroxy acid for the best results.

While some creams or lotions cost less than $10, others cost more than $100 for less product! So while age spot creams may seem less expensive in the short-term, they can actually add up to more than a medically supervised treatment after all those months—particularly if the cream doesn’t ever turn out to be effective.

Moral of the story? Do your research before you start a new skincare regimen. Read reviews of the product, talk to your dermatologist, and do some number crunching to see how much a year’s worth of age spot cream will be, compared to a dermabrasion, laser treatment, or chemical peel. 

Last Updated: June 02, 2016

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