an injured knee

ACL Injury: A Recovery Timeline

ACL injuries occur in a variety of settings, but knees are particularly susceptible to damage in sports. To get started on the post-injury road from the bench to the field or court, you will need to receive treatment from a physical therapist who specializes in getting hurt muscles, tendons, and ligaments back in shape.

So what can you expect the first time you visit your physical therapist for treatment? You'll likely be working on recovery anywhere from six to ten weeks (or longer depending on the severity of your injury). The average recovery process occurs in three main phases.

Phase One (zero to two weeks after injury)

Your physical therapist will focus on reducing swelling and handling your pain, while trying to increase your range or motion in your knee through stretching. The physical therapist will work your injured knee by moving it in a controlled environment. He or she will be very deliberate in each motion to make sure that you are comfortable through the entire process.

Phase Two (two to four weeks after injury)

Your pain should be minimal, and now you will move into the reconditioning of your injured knee. You'll be doing isometric exercises, such as heel slides. To perform heel slides, you lay on a trainer's table with your legs outstretched and begin bending your injured leg until you feel a stretching sensation on the front of your knee. You'll hold this position for five seconds before straightening your knee and starting over again.

Phase Three (four to seven weeks after injury)

You're close to a full recovery. Now it's time to get the knee muscles that haven't been used during this recovery time back into shape through strengthening. You may use a stationary bike or leg press with minimal weight to help strengthen the muscles that surround your ACL, such as your quadriceps and hamstrings.

If you're an athlete, you may undergo further sport-specific testing to ensure that your body is ready to get back onto the field or court. Regardless, the goal of this period is to get your ACL and leg back to full strength.

Last Updated: September 16, 2014