a woman who is preventing varicose veins

5 Ways to Prevent Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are an unsightly and potentially dangerous condition that affects almost half of the population at some point in their lives. While some risk factors are unavoidable, such as genetics and old age, there are others that are completely preventable. Making lifestyle changes does not guarantee that you won’t develop varicose veins, but these following these tips will minimize your risk and may minimize their prevalence.

  1. Stay Active.

    Inactivity is one of the primary ways varicose veins begin to form. If you’ve got a desk job or just don’t get a lot of physical activity during your day, this puts you at an increased risk for them. This is not something that develops overnight, so at first you might not think your lack of movement isn’t a big deal, but over time you will begin to see your symptoms worsen.

  2. Lose Weight

    Obesity makes it harder for your veins to transport blood back to your heart due do the pressure that fat stores place on them. By maintaining a healthy weight, you don’t have to worry about the effects of unnecessary stress on the veins in your lower torso, where varicose veins typically occur. Paying attention to a BMI chart is a good way to ensure your weight is within a healthy range.

  3. Avoid High-Estrogen Birth Control Pills

    It’s been shown that using high-estrogen oral contraceptives over a long period of time can alter the way the valves in your veins function. Not only does oral birth control increase your risk of varicose veins, it also increases your risk of other more serious conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis, which can cause organ damage or even death.

  4. Don’t Stand Too Much

    It may seem contradictory, since sitting too much puts you at risk of varicose veins, but standing too much can also cause them as well. To avoid this, take breaks from standing when you can, and when you do sit, try to keep your legs elevated. It’s also a good idea to keep them elevated during sleep, with the aid of pillows.

  5. Change Your Clothing

    Clothes that are too tight, especially pants, can damage the circulation of blood, so choose soft and loose fabrics when you can. Constricting footwear, such as high heels, can also pose a problem, which is why you should avoid them as much as possible.

Last Updated: December 13, 2016