a person who isn't following tips on living with osteoporosis

5 Tips for Living with Osteoporosis

For some, an osteoporosis diagnosis can seem like a fatal blow to plans for living a full, active life; however, things are not as hopeless as they might seem!

Learning to adjust to your condition may take some getting used to, but you’ll find that in general, osteoporosis is not something that will keep you from enjoying the things that you love and making the most of your life. If your osteoporosis is keeping you down, here are five tips for overcoming this health obstacle in your life.

  1. Create a support system.

    The most important thing to realize in your fight against osteoporosis is that you’re not alone—more than 200 million people worldwide suffer from the condition. There are countless support groups online and in the real world that are designed to help people like you find one another and offer encouragement. On top of support from other sufferers, it’s also good to look for extra encouragement from friends and family, since they’re the people you’re most likely to see on a regular basis.

  2. Make changes to your diet.

    Eating the right foods is a good way to help keep osteoporosis in check. Aim to include as many foods high in calcium and vitamin D as possible—these include dairy, soy, salmon, nuts, leafy green vegetables, and eggs. Conversely, watch out for products that are high in salt, because sodium can contribute to further bone weakness.

  3. Stay active.

    Being diagnosed with osteoporosis doesn’t mean you have to give up an active lifestyle—in fact, you need it now more than ever! Regular exercise will help strengthen muscles that can provide extra support for your bones and help promote joint health. Be smart when you work out and remember to listen to your body. While moderate exercise will be a big benefit, pushing yourself too hard can actually cause more injuries.

  4. Make adjustments to your living space.

    Patients with osteoporosis are typically discouraged from picking anything up that’s lower than waist-high. While you may not think that you spend much of your time bent over, it probably happens more than you realize. Make sure everyday objects are placed high enough where you can comfortably reach them to avoid putting unnecessary stress on your spine, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if you’re worried something is too low to safely reach.

  5. Drop your bad habits.

    Cigarettes and alcohol may be addictive vices, but they’re two things you’re going to need to give up if you want to ensure optimal bone health. Smoking helps speed up the bone degeneration process, and heavy drinking restricts your body’s ability to absorb calcium—both of which can be devastating with your condition.

Last Updated: September 21, 2016