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5 Things You Can't Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Use a Straw

Use a Straw

After your wisdom teeth removal, you may be tempted to use a straw to drink your mostly liquid diet. This is a bad idea, because the suction required to make a straw work can loosen the blood clot that forms at the site of your surgery, thus delaying the healing process.

Drink Alcohol

Drink Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages shouldn't be a part of your mostly liquid diet immediately after your wisdom teeth removal. Drinking can impede the healing process and also negatively interact with antibiotics and pain relief medications. Alcohol is generally permissible 24 hours after your surgery, but talk to your oral surgeon about whether it's a bad idea to mix drinking with your prescribed medications.



While smoking negatively affects dental health in general, it can be particularly harmful after wisdom teeth removal. The suction required to "take a drag" off a cigarette can dislodge the blood clot that forms at the site of a surgery. Additionally, nicotine in tobacco can break down the blood clot, so you should abstain from smoking for at least five days after your procedure.

Consume Hot Foods and Drinks

Consume Hot Foods and Drinks

Eating hot foods and drinks after wisdom tooth extraction is discouraged, because this can cause the blood clot at the surgical site to break down. Foods that are considered spicy are also discouraged regardless of temperature, because they tend to irritate the surgical site. Soups and drinks should be room temperature. Be sure to follow your oral surgeon's recommendations on when you can begin consuming hot foods and beverages.



If you lead an active lifestyle, it will be important to remember that wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure that requires rest. Avoid strenuous physical activity for three to four days after your surgery, as it may cause bleeding at the surgical site. Spend most of the day in bed immediately after your extraction.

Eat Hard, Crunchy, or Sticky Foods

Eat Hard, Crunchy, or Sticky Foods
It is important to not eat any hard, crunchy, or sticky foods after wisdom tooth removal in order to let the muscles affected by the surgery heal. These types of foods require more effort from your jaw to chew, which can irritate the wounds or cause your stitches to come undone. You should wait until your wounds have healed quite a bit before trying to eat these foods again.

Rinse Your Mouth

Rinse Your Mouth

This may sound counterintuitive, but you should not rinse your mouth like you normally do soon after your surgery. This is because the way you normally would rinse your mouth is very quick and tough on the sensitive wounds and can cause them to open up again. Instead, rinse your mouth very gently and carefully so as to not irritate the wounds. You should also only rinse with regular water, not mouthwash or salt water because those liquids could dry out the wounds.

Drink Soda

Drink Soda
While water and other non carbonated beverages are okay to drink soon after your wisdom tooth surgery (without a straw of course), carbonated beverages like soda should be avoided as the carbonation could irritate the wounds.

Eat Popcorn

Eat Popcorn
Popcorn gets its own category separate from crunchy foods because you should especially avoid popcorn for a while after getting your wisdom teeth removed. This is because popcorn kernels can easily get stuck in the wound. You know how annoying it is to have popcorn kernels stuck in your teeth? Yeah, you don’t want that to happen in a fresh surgery wound.

Touch the Wound

Touch the Wound
Last but not least, you should never touch your wound with anything while it is healing. Try to avoid putting your toothbrush too far in your mouth, and do not be tempted to stick your finger or anything else back there either. You should also avoid opening your mouth too wide, which you usually have to do if you were to touch the wounds in the back of your mouth. These will irritate the wounds and make it harder to heal.