Avoid Alcohol
Limit Caffeine
Eat More Fiber
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Kegel Exercises
Vitamin D

Studies are still being conducted about the relationship between vitamin D and incontinence, but we do know that people with normal vitamin D levels are less likely to have bladder-control problems than those with low levels. You can get vitamin D from things like salmon, milk, and even a walk in the sun.
Record When You Go

If you’re struggling with incontinence, you’re probably finding yourself in the bathroom way too often. Luckily, there are ways to get back to normal. One of the first steps you need to take to get back to normal is to identify how often you urinate. You can do this by recording how often you go. Keep track of your bathroom visits for a week or so and find an average of how often you go.
Identify a Goal
Don’t Go Right Away
Set Up a Schedule

After you’ve begun to train yourself to hold your urges, it helps to set up a bathroom schedule you can stick to. You’ve already found out how long you can hold it, so base your schedule around that. Once you’ve set up your schedule, try to go when the schedule says to, even if you’re not feeling it right then. If you can’t hold it and accidentally get off schedule, don’t worry; get back on as soon as you can!
Watch Your Bedtime
Ease Chronic Coughing
Quit Smoking
Drink Water
Avoid Spicy Foods

Spicy foods have a tendency to irritate the bladder, which can lead to going to the restroom more often. The best way to handle this is to avoid spicy foods altogether or decrease the number of times spicy foods that are consumed per day.
Lose Weight
Don’t Go “Just in Case”

If you don’t have to go, then don’t. Going to the restroom “just in case” can throw your body off schedule. Once or twice won’t hurt, but if this happens on a regular basis, you’ll need to go any time your bladder is slightly filled.
Distract Yourself

Do whatever you need to get your mind off the fact that you gotta go. Play a game, problem solve, color, or cook something. Just make sure you’re close to a restroom if you can’t hold it any longer.
Practice Yoga
Stop Hovering
Skip Salty Foods
Take Your Time
Sip Throughout the Day
Reduce Stress
Have Good Posture
Cut Back on Citrus

Citrus-based foods and juices like orange, lemon, and lime have a tendency to increase urination. They’re a known bladder irritant and will cause you to use the restroom more. Don’t cut it out completely, because you need vitamin C, but consider cutting back.
Get Allergies in Check
Manage Medication
See a Doctor

Sometimes, it can be a little more than just urinary incontinence. See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:
- Blood in your urine
- Red or dark brown urine
- Painful urination
- Pain in your side, lower abdomen or groin
- Difficulty urinating or emptying your bladder
- A strong urge to urinate
- Loss of bladder control
- Fever