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13 Ways to Relieve Itchy, Dry Eyes



If you struggle with dry eyes, dry environments are only going to make the problem worse.

Using a humidifier will help keep your eyes hydrated by making sure there is a proper amount of moisture in the air.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Dry eyes can often be caused by inflammation. Eating a diet full of inflammation-fighting foods high in nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids can help.

These foods include salmon, tuna, walnuts, and eggs; omega-3 supplements can also be taken.

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Keep Allergens Out of Your Home

Keep Allergens Out of Your Home

Allergens can cause a whole host of problems — itchy eyes being just one of them. If you struggle with itchy eyes, make sure you remove all potential allergens from your life.

Regularly vacuuming, dusting, and generally cleaning your house will help prevent allergens from aggravating your eyes. 

Ditch the Contacts

Ditch the Contacts

You may not like how you look in glasses, but contacts may be causing your itchy eye problems.

Because contacts are pressed up against your eyes, they can easily aggravate your eyes. You shouldn’t be scared to make the switch to glasses, though; they’re cool now!

A Warm Compress

A Warm Compress

Using a warm compress or rag does a lot for people with eye problems. If the glands in your eyes aren’t producing enough oil, a warm compress will help.

This will prevent your eyes from drying out, encourage circulation, and relax your eyes.

(Image via Midjourney)

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

It’s important for everybody to stay hydrated, but even more so for people who struggle with excessively dry eyes.

The more moisture your body has, the more tears you can produce. Being hydrated will make sure your body can take care of your eyes. 

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Blink More

Blink More

If you’re reading, watching TV, or staring at your phone, you’re probably not blinking enough.

Whenever you do these tasks, try to make a conscious effort to blink. This will keep your eyes hydrated by preventing them from being exposed to the air for too long.

The 20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 Rule

No matter your age, profession, or habits, you should be following the 20-20-20 rule, especially if you’ve been staring at a screen all day.

Every 20 minutes, you should look at something 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. This will provide the much-needed relief your eyes have been craving.

Artificial Tears

Artificial Tears

If your body is struggling to properly hydrate your eyes, you might consider using artificial tears. These drops will lubricate — and possibly heal — your eyes.

It may take a few tries to find one that works for you, but they usually only cost about $10 a bottle.

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Use A Cold Compress

Use A Cold Compress

If you feel like your dry eye problems come from staring at a computer or straining while reading for long stretches of time, you might find relief in a cold compress.

Cold compresses relieve eye strain while encouraging circulation.

Avoid Windy Weather

Avoid Windy Weather

It’s probably not something you think about until you step outside, but windy weather will make your itchy eyes worse. If possible, avoid going outside on windy days.

If you have to be outside during windy weather, we recommend wearing wraparound sunglasses.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can intensify your dry eye problems more than you’d expect. Both extreme heat and extreme cold can sap the moisture from your eyes.

If you’re experiencing some uncomfortable or crazy weather, it might be a good idea to stay indoors.

Be Careful with Your Hairdryer

Be Careful with Your Hairdryer

There are numerous things in your home that could be causing dry, itchy eyes. Fans and hairdryers are especially problematic.

They can often blow dry air at your eyes for extended periods of time causing your eyes to dry out. Do everything you can to avoid blowing air at your eyes.