a girl working to get used to her braces

5 Tips for Getting Used to Braces

Braces can lead to the smile of your dreams, but they can easily seem like a nightmare in the days after they're put on. Below are five excellent tips for acclimating to your braces and their accompanying discomfort.

  1. Embrace your newly decorated smile.

    Your mouth will not feel the same after the first 24 to 72 hours of getting them. You will feel a lot of discomfort; with effective painkillers, a positive attitude, and enough confidence, you can ease the pain. Do not let the way you feel define the way you look. Many people get braces: men, women, children, adults, mothers, fathers, students, professionals, celebrities, athletes, and even models.

  2. Learn all the rules.

    Familiarize yourself with what you can and cannot do. Every patient is different, but the rules for wearing braces are the same: avoid eating or chewing on crunchy, sticky, or hard foods. Do not try to tighten your braces or make any repairs on your own. Study the best method to brush and floss each brace.

  3. Maintain a good relationship with your braces.

    Practice healthy habits for your oral hygiene. Invest in a soft-bristle toothbrush and any other items your orthodontist recommends. A portable dental kit can help maintain braces and teeth when away from your home. These are items to consider when creating your own self-assembled kit: a toothbrush, toothpaste, a folding cup, floss, a spiral dental brush, interdental picks, dental wax, a small mirror, a packet of tissues, breath drops or spray, and a Ziploc bag to quickly gather any trash.

  4. Stay informed.

    Understand the evolving transformations of your teeth. Network with others who wear braces or have worn them in the past. Learn what is normal and what may require immediate assistance from your orthodontist.

  5. Look forward to the future.

    The experience of wearing braces, which may be challenging at times, is one that can produce beautiful results in time. The closer and healthier your relationship with your braces is over the months, the better your journey will be.

Last Updated: September 06, 2016