Pregnancy Planning Guide: Calculators, Charts, and Checklists

Ovulation Calculator

The ovulation calculator helps increase your chances of conception by predicting the days you are most fertile. By estimating the days you are ovulating, you can more effectively plan to have intercourse and improve the likelihood of becoming pregnant. Based on the first day of your last period and the average length of your menstrual cycle, the ovulation calculator guesses the date your egg will be released, identifying your most fertile day. While other factors, such as the regularity of your period, can affect the results, the ovulation calculator provides a useful guideline with which to start planning.

Baby Cost Calculator

Part of planning for the birth of your child involves trying to prepare financially for the costs this wonderful new life will incur. The baby cost calculator is a useful tool for potential parents, particularly those who are having their first child. By estimating the costs of essential items, products, and services necessary to survive and thrive through baby's first year, the results of the calculator can help you better understand what you can anticipate financially. Entering into the parenting experience with realistic expectations can be an asset when trying to save and budget for a growing family.

Fertility Chart

The fertility chart is an essential tool when trying to track your ovulation. Fertility patterns vary from woman to woman and while you can estimate when you are ovulating based on your menstrual cycle, observing the physical signs of fertility in your own body will help you get a more accurate reading of your most fertile days. By checking and tracking your basal body temperature and cervical mucous on a fertility chart, it becomes easier to identify the subtle differences that indicate optimum fertility. Documenting these details can help you time intercourse properly in order to conceive and assist in predicting when you can expect a positive pregnancy test result.

Planning for Pregnancy Checklist

Before trying to conceive, taking the time to review the Planning for Pregnancy Checklist will help improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Preparing your body and mind before conception is critical when trying to create the best possible environment for your growing baby to thrive in. Becoming informed before your pregnancy can help you make healthy lifestyle choices and conscientious decisions that can only benefit your future baby. Following the checklist and planning for your pregnancy can help ease your worries as you discover the miraculous changes within you.

Last Updated: June 07, 2017