a patient is examined for multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease effecting the nervous system, but multiple sclerosis symptoms (MS) will differ. Primarily there may be only a single symptom or a several combinations.

The first symptoms may be temporary and then remiss thereafter. As symptoms progressively worsen, these and multiple sclerosis symptoms become apparent, depending on the central nervous system and areas of the brain affected. There are several multiple sclerosis treatments available to help reduce the multiple MS symptoms

Optic nerve involvement may give rise to blurry vision, tenderness and pain of the eyes. Nystagmus and double vision or eyelid drooping may be present. In serious cases of multiple sclerosis, blindness in either or both eyes has can occur temporarily. Another MS symptom is weakness and clumsiness in the legs is common. It may also be connected to a feeling of heaviness. There might be numbness or tingling at the extremities. Another common multiple sclerosis symptom is urination urgency and incontinence and can be of particular concern. On the other hand there may be problems urinating and constipation. Depression is often present due to the emotional downside to the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Speech impediment is not uncommon. Speech may become slow with emphasis on each syllable. Many of these symptoms may require individual multiple sclerosis symptoms treatments

Last Updated: April 18, 2018